According to MLS statistics, 24 homes sold in the first quarter of 2012 in Coral Ridge. Of the 24 sales, 14 were single family homes (6 waterfront & 8 non-waterfront). The waterfront properties sold for an average price of $1,058,334. One of the waterfront sales was a "short sale". The "non-waterfront" average sales price was $508,444. One of the 8 sales was a short sale. None of the 14 single family home sales was a bank-owned property.
Four waterfront condos sold for an average price of $150,500 (one short sale). One non-waterfront condo sold for $80,000.
One waterfront townhome sold for $700,000. Four non-waterfront townhouses sold for an average of $366,250. One was a short sale and one was a bank owned property.
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